Ribbon fish largest selling fish
The ribbon-fish are any lampriform fishes in the family Trachipteridae . These pelagic fish are named for their slim, ribbon-like appearance. They are rarely seen alive, as they typically live in deep waters, though are not bottom feeders. They are readily recognized by their anatomy, a long, compressed, tape-like body, short head, narrow mouth and feeble teeth. A high fin occupies the whole length of the back; an anal fin is absent, and the caudal fin, if present, consists of two fascicles of rays of which the upper is prolonged and directed upwards. The pectoral fins are small, the pelvic fins composed of several rays, or of one long ray only. They have heavy spines along their lateral lines, and numerous lumps in the skin. Ribbon-fish possess all the characteristics of fish living at very great depths. Their fins especially, and the membrane connecting them, are of a very delicat...